Late Summer Blooms…


August 29, 2023

It’s been awhile since my last post, but what better time than late summer when the beautiful sunflowers are in bloom to post a little update?

Late summer feels hit differently. A new season is shortly upon us. My favorite time of day…golden hour…starts to get earlier and earlier. The weather is all over the place. One day it’s 90 and the next it’s cool and time for a hoodie. And I’m here for all of it!

I start preparing for and start creating all my fall marketing posts and emails…fall minis, Small Business Saturday and dare I say it….Christmas minis! (I know, too soon!) But it’s my favorite time of year. Fall minis will always hold a special place in my heart and I get so excited planning and coming up with a new plan and location for the year.

So, head over to my Instagram page to stay updated with all the fun announcements coming up!


Chasing Waterfalls


Winter Wonderland…Finally!